Tuckpointing Project Finished on 4th St. NE in Historic Capitol Hill
At Infinity Design Solutions, LLC, we are passionate about preserving the rich history of Washington, DC’s architecture, and our latest tuckpointing project on 4th St.
Spray Foam is NOT the Answer – Part I
Why Spray Foam Isn’t the Best Solution for Facade Restoration: Part I Our company focuses on facade restoration and here on our blog and website,
An Old Garage Wall Left Behind
In the picture below, you can see an old Garage wall left behind or the old masonry. The old wall stands directly against another building.
Recent Historic Tuckpointing Project Completed in Washington, DC
At Infinity Design Solutions, LLC, we take great pride in our craftsmanship and expertise in restoring the beauty and integrity of historic homes in Washington,
Roofing as Siding
Here on our website and on our blog, we’ll often go deep into certain topics and talk about them for several different weeks in series.
Ironspot Brick and Deteriorated Historic Mortar – Part II
Last week we took a look at a building with iron spot bricks. The appearance of iron spots can vary widely depending on several factors:
Ironspot Brick and Deteriorated Historic Mortar – Part I
Some historic bricks in Washington DC have black spots. These spots indicate that the brick used is an ironspot brick and / or tapestry brick.
Rake Boards at the Top of a Historic Brick Facade
Here on our website, we have lots of different content where you can learn about the historic building construction anatomy, design, architecture and structural preservation
The Ruins of a Historic Stone Masonry Building
Today we are looking at the ruins of a historic rubblestone masonry structure located in a remote wooded area. The building was constructed primarily of
Foundation Drainage – Part II
Over the past few weeks, we’ve looked at different aspects of a freestanding building foundation. Although this is new construction, it is a good context
Foundation Drainage – Part I
Foundation drainage is a complex topic of high importance, to avoid wet basements and foundations. We could probably dedicate an entire book to just this
An Exposed Building Foundation – Part II
This past week, we had an opportunity to take a look at a modern type of simple residential concrete foundation for a new home. Although
An Exposed Building Foundation – Part I
This past week, we took the very rare chance to get out of the concrete jungle of Washington DC and out into the sleepy and
Hay Doors in Historic Masonry Facades – Part II
Last week, we looked at part one of the same series on hay doors at some of the elevated levels of historic brick buildings here
Hay Doors in Historic Masonry Facades
Today, we’re starting a multi-part series on hay doors (and lucarne doors). Hay doors are a historic relic that have survived, in some rare and
Romeo and Juliet Balconies
A Romeo and Juliet balcony, also known as a Juliet balcony, is a type of balcony that is typically shallow in depth and does not
Dry Stack Walls – Part II of II
Last week, we looked at a few different retaining walls that had a strong resemblance to a dry stack stone wall. Retaining walls are rarely
Dry Stack Wall …or is it?? Part I of II
A few months ago, in the earliest part of the year, still in the late winter, we took a look at a historic stone masonry
Ornate Historic Stone Facade – Part II of II
This past week, we took a look at a historic stone masonry facade, this week we’re going to talk more about the details of restoration,
Ornate Historic Stone Facade – Part I of II
Today we’re starting an article series of case studies looking at specific historic architectural facades built with mostly masonry elements. In some cases both stone
Stone Veneer Cladding Panels – Part II of II
Today, we will continue discussing the construction elements used to build the facade cladding of large commercial buildings in DC. The combined series of from
Stone Veneer Cladding Panels – Part I of II
Whenever you’re in a downtown Urban area, like Washington DC or any modern cities, you generally see a variety of high-rise buildings with panel cladding.
Heavy Steel and Iron Girders Carrying Brick Masonry – Part II of II
This past week, we examined several different types of heavy steel girders and lintels installed in historic masonry buildings to create large structural openings. Today,
Heavy Steel and Iron Girders Carrying Brick Masonry – Part I of II
Masonry and brick construction has been used throughout the world for thousands of years even in remote parts of the world where there have been