Power up your construction – Penetration in building assembly techniques
Penetrations in building assemblies are essentially holes that have been made for pipes, wires, or other elements to pass through. For example, when a pipe or cable passes through a wall, foundation, roof, floor or ceiling those holes end oles and items passing through the building assemblies are considered penetrations.
Building penetrations have requirements or areas of concern that fall into one or more of the following possible categories:
2. Fireproofing
3. Sound attenuation
5. Air sealing
6. Rodent-proofing
7. Aesthetics
In the image below, you can see an example of an improperly installed building penetration. The electrical feeder cable, in the picture, enters the building exterior through a hole cut into the siding. This hole is cut excessively large, and sealing of the opening has been completely onmited