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Quarry Tile – Timeless and Durable Flooring

Exploring the enduring allure of quarry tile floors

Quarry tile has been used in building construction and finishes for decades.  Compared to other types of tiles, it has a relatively high permeability which means it does not have high moisture resistance.  Historic tile was made by a mold form process.  Modern tile by comparison is more likely made through an extrusion process, like modern brick.

The image below shows an example of quarry tall. This particular Quarry tile is 6″ x 6″ x 1.25″ thick.   The material makeup of this quarry tile is similar to clay but closer to terra cotta. Terra cotta is fired at a lower temperature than actual clay brick and is considered a Victorian style quarry tile. This particular quarry tile is unglazed.  Glazed tile, by comparison has a higher resistance to moisture.

Unglazed quarry tile
Unglazed quarry tile

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